Solomon's United Church of Christ
Information for Visitors
What is your worship service like?
Ours is a traditional service with organ and piano music, hymns, and a sermon.
How do I get to Solomon's UCC?
Solomon's United Church of Christ is situated on Route 113 North, 3.4 miles north of the junction of Route 113 and Route 313 and 2.6 miles south of the junction of Route 113 and Route 611 North (Easton Road). Click here for a link to Map Quest.
Where do I park?
There is plenty of parking on the sides and in the back of the church. Handicap parking is available in front of the church.
Where do I enter the church?
There are doors in the front and sides of the church. The door to the left of the front has a ramp for handicap access.
What do I do when I get there?
A greeter and Pastor Shelly will welcome you at the entrance to the sanctuary with a worship bulletin and will assist you to sit anywhere you are comfortable.
Will there be an offering?
Yes, an offering is taken during the worship service.
How often do you have Communion?
We share communion eight times during the year - during worship services on New Year’s Sunday, Ash Wednesday, First Sunday of Lent, Easter Sunday, Pentecost, World Communion Sunday, First Sunday of Advent and at the late service on Christmas Eve on December 24th. Solomon's UCC celebrates an Open Communion – all are welcome to commune.
How should I dress?
Solomon’s UCC welcomes visitors and members in any attire. We’re just glad you’re here.
Do you have nursery care?
No, we do not currently have nursery. You are welcome to bring youngsters to the church service or supervise your own children in the Nursery.
What's available for my older kids?
We currently have no activities specifically for older children. We encourage them to attend our worship services.
Is your church handicap accessible?
Yes, the sanctuary is handicap accessible. There is a ramp on the left of the front doors. It is important to know that there are three steps from the sanctuary to restrooms. Unfortunately, our social hall (downstairs) is not accessible.
Who do I contact for more information?
Call the church anytime and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. We do not have set office hours. The phone number is (215) 795-2668 and our email address is solomonsucc@verizon.net. Pastor Shelly can be contacted at (215) 527-2384. Messages are picked up in a timely manner.
United Church of Christ (UCC)—what is that and in what do you believe?
Click here for a description of the UCC church Statement of Faith:
How do I become a member?
Worship with us for a while. You'll know when you're ready to join. When you are, just tell Pastor Shelly that you are ready, and she will meet with you.
We're not members—can we have our children baptized at your church?
In our tradition, baptism of infants and children mark their inclusion into the community of faith and Christ's claim upon their lives to be lived out in the local church. Therefore, it is important that their parents be a part of the congregation. Both the parents and the congregation make promises to one another and to God – we call that a covenant. This is an important relationship, therefore, we would encourage you to find a church home, hopefully with us, before you undertake this important task.
We're not members—can we still get married at your church?
Yes. Please contact Pastor Shelly as soon as possible in advance of your ceremony to discuss the possibilities of celebrating "your day" with us.