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Parish Life - The Parish Life committee strives to build and maintain a source of Christian community within the congregation by fostering a friendly and welcoming spirit through ongoing activities and special events. These opportunities provide needed fellowship and socialization within the church. Chairperson: Tina Pastor

Mission Team - The Mission Team strives to maintain a vision that assists the congregation to become involved in helping others outside of the church in the community that benefits individuals, groups or the wider community itself, through mission projects that inspire each of us to give by using our time, gifts or talents. Chairperson: Shirley Bachman

Building and Grounds -The Building and Grounds committee strives to maintain and provide facilities and surrounding property of the church, endeavoring to allow people to comfortably and safely gather together in an aesthetically pleasing environment. The committee acts responsibly as stewards of the physical gifts of the church, insuring that God’s resources and property are cared for and used efficiently and economically. Chairperson: Alan Crouthamel

Altar Guild - The Altar Guild strives to maintain an essential ministry of housekeeping and beautification of the sanctuary and all items associated with worship, endeavoring to serve God and the congregants by supporting and enhancing a consistent sacred environment of peace and hope. The committee, working closely with the pastor, renders with dedication and loving attention to detail, all for the glory of God. Chairperson: Judy Worthington

Publicity and Communication - The Publicity and Communication committee strives to continually evaluate, up-date and enhance mediums of communication internally and externally while embodying the mission and vision of the church. The committee is called to individually and collectively share its gifts to promote God’s Word through print, electronic media and word of mouth as it relates to the church and community. Chairperson: Tina Pastor

Spiritual Council - The Spiritual Council strives to serve as a support group for the pastor and functions as a communication channel between the pastor and the congregation. Together, the spirit and quality of ministry within the church are strengthened by maintaining an open relationship with the pastor through wise and valuable dialogue.

"Come as a visitor, leave as a friend."


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